Artificial Intelligence and Ethics: In Search of Coherence

Ethical questions around uses and abuses of Artificial Intelligence (AI) are at the forefront of public discourse in many societies. The emerging AI methodologies can produce highly damaging results or conversely superbly useful outcomes. Bahá’í teachings have a lot to say about all this at the level of the principle. More particularly, the conceptual framework for study and action can be directly applied to the methods and approaches for the generation and dissemination of knowledge about this subject. Currently various governing bodies find themselves poorly equipped to legislate on the needed guardrails. We will review the application of action-reflection to this field.

  • Farzin Aghdasi

    Farzin Aghdasi was a Bahá’í pioneer in Africa much of his adult life and intimately involved in training institute development in Southern Africa and North America. He served as a Continental Counselor for the Americas. Working in industrial AI research in California, he holds a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and has been a university professor.

  • Douglas Allen

    Doug Allen is Associate Professor of Management and former Director of the International MBA program at the University of Denver Daniels College of Business. He received his MBA from Harvard Business School and his PhD from the University of Michigan Business School. He has published articles on technology issues related to education and management, business issues in China, global talent management as well as cross-cultural and diversity issues.

  • Dennis Wittmer

    Dennis Wittmer is a professor in the Management Department of Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver, where he has taught for 33 years and chaired the department for 10 years. He currently teaches courses related to ethical leadership, organizational ethics, business and the public good, as well as AI and leading in the digital age. He received his PhD in public administration from Syracuse University and has published numerous articles in professional journals.


48th Annual Conference

The views expressed in this recording are those of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, nor the authoritative explications of Bahá’í writings.