Justice: A path to unity

The Bahá’í Writings tell us that “the purpose of justice is the appearance of unity.” We will explore the Bahá’í paradigm of justice and how it can lead to unity. We will contrast it with our current society where punishment and punitive measures are the focus of a justice system and anger and estrangement are often the tools of individuals facing injustice. We will explore the differing roles of the individual and the community when pursuing justice, and the realities of applying justice along with forgiveness.

  • Layli Miller-Muro

    Layli founded the Tahirih Justice Center and, for 25 years, raised significant funds from philanthropic sources. Currently, she is a consultant to and board member of private foundations including the Mastercard Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Sony Foundation, the Meyer Foundation and Wayfarer Foundation, where she seeks to apply Bahá’í concepts to advance justice and equity.


44th Annual Conference

Beyond Critique to Constructive Engagement


The views expressed in this recording are those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, nor the authoritative explications of Bahá’í writings.