How the Mind of God Has Structured Reality

If the Creator is perfect, then so must His Creation be perfect. And if His intention is to generate a being capable of freely coming to know and to worship Him, then logically reality must be perfectly structured to produce this result. If we examine what the authoritative Bahá’í texts tell about reality, then we can discern the nature of this structure, how it effects this result, and the extent to which this portrayal of reality conforms to contemporary scientific axioms about this same reality. This presentation attempts to show this compliance.

  • John S. Hatcher

    Dr. John S. Hatcher received his BA and MA degrees at Vanderbilt University, and his PhD at the University of Georgia. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of South Florida where he taught in the English Department for forty years and headed graduate studies in English Literature. An author and speaker, Professor Hatcher has published over a hundred poems and articles, and twenty-seven books. He presently serves as Editor on the Association of Bahá’í Studies Publishing Committee.


48th Annual Conference

The views expressed in this recording are those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, nor the authoritative explications of Bahá’í writings.