Modernism - Traditionalism: Exploring Discourses on Beauty in Architecture and Urbanism

Much of humanity’s recently built environment has failed to create places that uplift the spirit and reflect our highest ideals. A growing movement of practitioners and citizens explores the negative effect of modernist architectural approaches and the possibility of reviving traditional design and urbanism. Understanding both modernism and traditionalism will help guide the way to recalibrating the built environment disciplines and restore a sense of beauty and order to our buildings and cities. All individuals are invited to reflect on the value of beauty and craftsmanship and to contribute to our understanding of what makes a building or city beautiful.

  • Nadim van de Fliert

    Nadim van de Fliert is a linguist, urbanist, youth mentor, and avid fan of soccer who resides in Washington, D.C. He presently works as a real estate development consultant and community development specialist in the city, focusing on affordable housing, educational facilities, and other community-oriented assets.

  • Jason Burtwistle

    With over ten years of experience in the sustainability industry, working with clients and interdisciplinary teams, developing and realizing a sustainable vision unique to each place and project, Jay's collaborative spirit helps clients and internal design groups achieve sustainability goals, including carbon reduction, LEED certification, BC Energy Step Code compliance, and more. Jay enjoys distilling complex, holistic sustainability issues and rating systems into clear and easy-to-understand language and presentations that provide everyone on the team an understanding of the vision and metrics being pursued.

  • Jeremy Ziegler

    Jeremy is an established facility manager with nearly 15 years of experience and a portfolio encompassing modern, critical-infrastructure facilities, county government, and some of the United States' oldest buildings. Recently, he has been focusing on his pursuit to marry facilities management with his education in historic preservation and scientific interests in building conservation while applying this pursuit in a manner that promotes community well-being.


48th Annual Conference

The views expressed in this recording are those of the presenters and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, nor the authoritative explications of Bahá’í writings.