25 Years of Listening: The Story of Parent University

Parent University is a grassroots community collaborative focused on multi-generational education with the goals of reducing poverty and increasing health and wellness, public safety, and neighborhood vitality. Since 2000, Parent University has provided opportunities for parents and grandparents to invest in themselves and their children. By using consultative and reflection laden approaches that rely on the input and feedback of all participants we provide an environment to nurture confidence, provide encouragement and expand competence to enhance and improve individuals, families, neighborhoods and communities. Much attention is focused on the perception of ownership by all.

  • Michael O'Neal

    Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA., Michael has been a Savannah resident for almost 50 years. He and his wife of 48 years have three sons and a daughter, three daughters-in-law, a son in law and twelve grandchildren. He was employed with International Paper since 1976 and worked most of that time in the Electrical and Instrument maintenance and safety department. Michael is founder of Parent University and now serves as the Executive Director of Community United Services Inc.


48th Annual Conference

The views expressed in this recording are those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, nor the authoritative explications of Bahá’í writings.