Collaboration and Professional Discourse as a School Teacher

The presentation considers my engagement in professional discourse and action over a period of four years working as a high school ESL teacher. It offers an account of 5 collaborative learning processes and 12 presentations given at 3 annual conferences. Emphasis will be placed on collaboration, consultation, drawing on relevant discourses, and writing conference proposals. Participants will analyze a set of three conference proposals and draft their own proposal for feedback. The session will be of interest to professionals who wish to contribute to the discourses of their field, especially teachers.

  • Niaz Khadem

    Niaz Khadem serves on the Regional Bahá’í Council of Appalachia. He is interested in language education, community collaborations, transformative institutions, media literacy, and the social implications of technology.


48th Annual Conference

The views expressed in this recording are those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, nor the authoritative explications of Bahá’í writings.