Systems Science as a Tool for Accelerated Collective Learning

From the Tablets of the Divine Plan to the plans of the Universal House of Justice, many elements of what is now called "Systems Science" are demonstrated. This talk will characterize many of these shared features with a special focus on the current Nine Year Plan. It will also introduce, in a participatory manner, the motivations and some of the methodologies from systems science that could be used in advancing the current plan. Many of these methodologies could be used by individuals or small teams, or by institutions and planning agencies at broader scales.

  • Kurt Kreuger

    PhD in computer science focusing on systems science in public health from U of S in Canada. Postdoc at the University of Michigan in complex systems. Taught many university and professional courses. Consultant for 6 years with government and researchers in Canada, Australia, and the US. Built models in healthcare, infectious disease, addiction, suicide, and others. Currently lead modeller for the Advanced Analytics team at the Saskatchewan Health Association.


48th Annual Conference

The views expressed in this recording are those of the presenter and do not necessarily represent the views of the Association for Bahá’í Studies, nor the authoritative explications of Bahá’í writings.